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Forever Dead
Punk, Rock, Alternative
Punk rock is no passing fad for Northwestern Ontario’s Forever Dead, who will be celebrating eleven years of distortion and feedback in 2016. An enduring love for all things fast and loud compels these misfits to persist as other bands fall by the wayside. With a mandate to search and destroy, the unshakeable headstrong attitude of Forever Dead proves they are in it for the long haul. Leading this pack of sonic ruffians is singer Chelsea, her husband George on bass and vocals, and George’s brothers Jesse and Tyler on guitar and drums. The intuitive and enthusiastic musicians continue to evolve with each album, and 2015’s EpicDemic shows a fierce talent and confident ability that wasn’t as obvious on 2008’s Not Quite Dead Yet and 2011’s Forever Dead. Praised by local media and applauded by online punk sites, Forever Dead take pride in their DIY ethics, releasing their own albums, and producing all necessary artwork, posters, and merch. This hardworking group has been around the block and gets the job done. This is more than just a band to the four members. Forever Dead is also family, and nothing is closer than blood-on-blood. Through good times and bad, these hometown heroes provides an outlet for both happiness and frustration, and fans are along for the crazy ride.