Information message

List your upcoming film or television project to the Northern Ontario Hotlist by answering the following required questions:
Production Info (Required)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
Crew & Company Info (Optional)

Information message

We value the privacy of your cast and crew. 

Use this section of the webform to share non-required project information with CION and/or the Hotlist.
Regional Crew Needs (Required)
Are you currently hiring/looking for specific crew members?
i.e. Dailies, Grip, Production Assistant, Electrical, etc.
Please list an email address that potential crew members can reach you at.
Submitted By (Required)