Information message

List your upcoming film or television project to the Northern Ontario Hotlist by answering the following required questions:
Production Info (Required)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
YYYY/MM/DD or General Timeline (i.e. Fall 2024)
Crew & Company Info (Optional)

Information message

We value the privacy of your cast and crew. 

Use this section of the webform to share non-required project information with CION and/or the Hotlist.
Regional Crew/Production Needs (Required)
Are you currently hiring specific crew members or looking for production assistance?
i.e. Dailies, Grip, Production Assistant, Electrical, etc.
Please list an email address that potential crew members can reach you at.
Submitted By (Required)