Next application intake round closes on May 31, 2025!

The Northern Ontario Film & TV Project Pitch Exchange is a three-stage motion picture production support and development program inviting film and television producers to connect with municipal stakeholders and explore the amenities, incentives, and locations that Northern Ontario has to offer.

Stage One: The Package

Producers representing films or television series that are scheduled to begin production within 24 months of their application can forward to CION an asset package, including:

  • Producer Overview (template available for download below)
  • Project Treatment
  • Look Book and/or Script
  • List of Priority Locations

Learn more about required project documents through the resources below.

CION will distribute eligible production asset packages to regional stakeholders who will consider project needs and prepare custom, locations-based pitch sessions for respective applicants.

Stage Two: The Pitch

CION will schedule  virtual meetings between successful applicants and select municipal representatives that outline project-specific location fits and municipal incentives in Northern Ontario.

Following the initial pitch, producers will have the opportunity to ask regional specific questions, learn about available funding incentives, infrastructure, and service-based support, and schedule the next steps toward their Northern exploration. 

Stage Three: The Discovery

With information acquired during Stage Two, CION and its partners will determine which projects will be given an opportunity to join in-person locations tours of the Northern Ontario municipality of their choice (dates to be determined pending individual agendas and schedules). 

This stage of the Project Pitch Exchange may include supports through Ontario Creates in the form of reimbursements for eligible expenses incurred by the production team and location scout (up to a maximum) during approved tours.

Successful candidates of Stage Three will be notified and provided with further details, following a competitive selection process.

"This is an excellent program and extremely helpful. It's a fantastic opportunity to do essentially a 'pre-scout' from home - and with the region reps as point contacts, it's much more interactive and helpful than trying to navigate a locations library."

"Building relationships is vital, and this opportunity allowed us to connect with the individuals who will assist us in making our project(s) come to fruition."

"I’m relatively new to Ontario so this was very helpful & informative to me. This would be an extremely valuable program to producers from even further out like the States."

"Everyone who I've met with during the sessions are extremely helpful, excited and eager to help me move forward with my projects. All of the information provided are important and makes it less stressful from my side."

"It's no exaggeration to say that all of our sessions exceeded expectations. Everyone we met was well-versed in the script and provided visuals to match our locations along with an honest assessment of what logistics would look like in each location."

For additional information, please contact CION by email at or by phone at (705) 885-9889

Download the resources below to learn more about the Film & TV Project Pitch Exchange application criteria.